Friday, October 29, 2010
Gettin some mileage!
Ha ha ha, Matt's pumpkin drop video has now been viewed over 200 thousand times. It was also one of the headliners on MSN for a bit and featured on ESPN. Wahoo Mad Matt!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Pumpkin Drop!
Yeah Halloween!
It's Halloween again! The only person I know that loves Halloween as much as me is Dustin. So I was on the Internet looking for stuff to make for my family Halloween dinner and I just had to post this for Dust!!
Check it out......A Thorax Cake.... Complete with organs that ooz fluid when they are cut.....Ha ha ..That's a bit to gross for even me!
People are so creative
Here's the blog link just in case you are dying to make this Dust!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Ned at Drum Off 2010
This is our cousin Ned having way to much fun! He sent me this email and I thought I would pass it on. We've got talent, yes we do! Well, OK, all the old family reunions were graced by the "Smith Family Band" but that counts for the Bairds dosen't it.
Rock on Ned! Or as the teens would say, "That's totally sick"!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Yes Matt IS the PUMPKIN King!
All the pumpkins were lined up to be viewed and weighed.
When Matt's pumpkin came up for it's turn, we held our breath. They placed it on the scale and kept the weight hidden until it stabilized. When they uncovered the number and showed the scale tipping at a whopping 1169 lbs, beating the state record, we all went CRAZY!!!
Next, they weighed the pumpkin that was measuring to likely win, the feeling was tense. I thought it was only the McConkie clan, but I looked around at all the people, everyone was momentarily silent. Then, they uncovered the scale, the silence broke and the crowd went crazy!
It was almost mass hysteria!
WE WENT CRAZY!! We couldn't believe he had WON! We were screaming, we were laughing, we were crying. It was great! People were practically mobbing Matt to shake his hand and get a picture.
Couldn't have been better.
Thanks for the fun Matt!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Coming April 18 2011........
Payton and I couldn't be more thrilled!
I'll keep everyone posted along the way.
We are not patient enough to wait and will find out the sex in another 6 weeks!
Coming April 18 2011........
Payton and I couldn't be more thrilled!
I'll keep everyone posted along the way.
We are not patient enough to wait and will find out the sex in another 6 weeks!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Pumpkin King!

So me n' Lyss just saw Matt on the news! Read the report HERE. It says that it could be the largest pumpkin in Utah history, and it looks like he's been feeding it manure and happy meals. Put some clothes on that thing, Matt, it's indecent! But way to go, WOOT WOOT!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
We Have Some Crazies in the Family!
He started growing giant pumpkins three years ago, and already this year he has a pumpkin that looks like it might break the state record of 1,104lbs! Its looking like there is only one grower with a pumpkin that is larger so far.
That's our Matt McConkie - Go Big or Go Home!
When he dives into something, he dives in headfirst and gives it his all!
(He has put on a fourth of July fireworks show the last couple years that is definitely giving the city shows a run for their money)
This morning he was featured on KSL Radio and will be on the KSL news @ 5pm Tuesday the 21st.
For anyone who wants to come support Matt and see his 'Big Baby', and we mean baby, (he literally has to go tuck them in at night).
The official contest weigh in will be at Thanksgiving Point, Saturday Sept, 25th. All the pumpkins will be on display at 10:00 with the weigh in from 12 to 2pm. It is a crazy sport! You would not believe the variety of pumpkins.

Matt's Pumpkin that split back in the middle of August
He estimated this one to be about 700 to 800lbs at the time.
That was a sad day, for this was his biggest one at the time and you can't enter one with a flaw. We had a moment of mourning. :( Matt brought it home to rest in the driveway where many people drove by to take a look. Nicoles kids had a hay day cutting it up when it started to rot.
In the peak of their growing season, these pumpkins can put on up to 45lbs a day. Matt says you can almost stand there and watch them grow.
Juanee and Ryan's Wedding

Juanee and Ryan tie the knot!
Sealed for Eternity
August, 13th 2010
What a cute pair!
To Ryan from the Baird Bunch - We are so Happy to have you join us!
You are what we call - Goooood People
Cudos to Mary for knocking out the song 'At Last' ! Girls got talent! And as always, love to hear Olive play the piano! Bet the Barlow Bunch will miss that while you are away at College. Guess we better initiate the talent show again. It has been years since we did that. Maybe Thanksgiving 2011.
PS - Ryan and Juanee, post us some pic's of your reception, honeymoon, apartment ect...
Taylor and Zac's Baby
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Vaughn Baird Family Reunion 2010

Nicole finished at 2:39 - Oh ya, book it Nicole!
She came in 18th out of 82 in her division
Not bad for a little momma!!
Wish I could move like that!
I think she and Brad should go for division wins next year
As for Ashlee, Mitchell, Karina and Tiff - apparently you split too quick for me to get your picture. :(
Dustin is in the four manly men shot posted first..
Everyone did sooooo good!
Mitchell's swim was 23:08, and what a honey, he ran all the way with Karina.
That's what you call giving your wife your full support!
Dustin came in at 1:04 on the run
Ashlee's swim was 28:57
Tiff's bike time was 1:21
and Karina ran in at 1:14
The two teams finished at 2:58 and 3:07
I still can't believe we had so many participate. I love you all and am proud as a peacock!!
I think I will enter next year, so we can at least have one person in the 4 hour time frame.

Seth, another Non - Trainer
Pulled off a 3:05 finish
Oh to be young again!!
That's a proud daddy smile right there
(I just realized that these pics and entries are going to be backwards of the way I am entering them. Well it is my first might want to start at the bottom entry and work your way up, ha ha)

Little brother Jeremy
that's an oxymoron, since our baby bro ended up surpassing us all in height and stature!
For the "non-trainer", mountain bike peddler, made it in 3:02
and looked magazine cool in all black doing it!
That would bake the tar right out of me!
Well, I have heard - "It is better to Looook Goooood than to Feeeel Goooood" by someone named Fernando....LOL
You make me proud little brother
Laurie, who has acclimated so well to the Baird mode of camping and outdoor junk, yes we love you Laurie!
Did awesome at keepin up with all the nice road bikes on her Mountain Bike finishing in just under 1:23
I have ridden both, and you have to peddle twice as hard I swear to get a mountain bike moving!
Nice Job Laurie!
What a Great first Vaughn Baird Reunion!!!!
Hi Vaughn Baird Clan!
Just have to say how AWESOME it was to have the first ever VB reunion around the Spudman! I was so excited to have so many participants in the race. I have to admit I was a little veclempt as each person crossed the finish line. I am so Proud of you all! Anyhoo, I thought we could all share our pictures. are some I took with my phone, the camera won't currently read on my computer so those will have to come later.
Thanks again to all my kin for getting together. And major kudos to the racers!! Next time I hope we have even more.
Love you all, Sydney
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Everybody ready for the big Race?

HOO-RAY! Glad to see some new posts on the blog! Sorry, I haven't posted in a while but I've been pretty busy, what with my RIGOROUS* training for the upcoming Spudman and all. It'll be great to see you all this weekend, I can't wait!!!
*Rigorous, as defined not by the distance and quality of my running, but the shear force of my awesome workout playlist, consisting of mostly 80's power ballads and foreign dance electronica. Here are a just few samples. Behold and tremble, teams Barlow, Garner and McConkie. Team Baird, Baird and Cooksey (Or, the Nefarious BBC) is fueled by the power of RRROOOCCCKKK!!! AAAARRGGHHHH!!!
(Keep watching. At about 1:14 this lady show's you how to really get into it.)
P.S. Thanks for posting Nicole! See if you can figure out how to help other people to be able to post. Sorry, I'm a good setter upper, but not a very good :-/
Monday, July 19, 2010
What Does Grandma Do on Vacation?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I am getting excited
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Just to get the ball rolling, I thought I'd post to tell you guys that I'm getting stoked for the spudman! I've discovered a new workout video that is great! Me and Alyssia have been doing it together and we've really noticed a huge difference! Not only do you feel good, but you look good too! Check it out!
Hey Everybody! welcome to the blog! I finally got this thing up and running! I figured this might be a good way for us to all keep in touch a little better as we all head out in different directions. We have such a talented family and we want to know what you're up to! Feel free to post comments, pictures, videos, fun stories, news updates, discussions or anything else you want to to make this blog interesting! On the left side, you'll notice I posted an "events" gadget, so let me know of any upcoming events and I'll post 'em! Also, I'm going to be adding links to everybody's family blogs or websites, so it will be easy to just click and see what's new in everybody's family. I'm kinda new at this, so lemme know what else I can do to make the blog better. I don't want anybody to feel pressure like they have to post stuff, but I hope we'll all use it to keep in touch a little better. Enjoy!
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