HOO-RAY! Glad to see some new posts on the blog! Sorry, I haven't posted in a while but I've been pretty busy, what with my RIGOROUS* training for the upcoming Spudman and all. It'll be great to see you all this weekend, I can't wait!!!
*Rigorous, as defined not by the distance and quality of my running, but the shear force of my awesome workout playlist, consisting of mostly 80's power ballads and foreign dance electronica. Here are a just few samples. Behold and tremble, teams Barlow, Garner and McConkie. Team Baird, Baird and Cooksey (Or, the Nefarious BBC) is fueled by the power of RRROOOCCCKKK!!! AAAARRGGHHHH!!!
(Keep watching. At about 1:14 this lady show's you how to really get into it.)
P.S. Thanks for posting Nicole! See if you can figure out how to help other people to be able to post. Sorry, I'm a good setter upper, but not a very good explainer...er. :-/
This is a way past tense comment.......but I just have to say..Dustin, I love your posts!!! They make me happy! Keep em comin