I just had to share how funny this is. Sydney got this for us when Max or Sami was a baby, but wasn't ever really used until now, and she loves it. She calls it her "silly binky"
Oh, and I'm so excited I've figured out how to post on here, and from my phone!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Our new house so far!
Framing is all finished.....FINALLY! Now we are finding ourselves scrambling to make some big final decisions for what needs to happen next. Exciting, but nerve wracking at the same time. We are hoping to be in before April (fingers crossed everyone!)
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
As quoted from The Living Christ, we read, "As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has has so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth...
We solemnly testify that His life, which is central to all human history, neither began in Bethlehem nor concluded on Calvary. He was the Firstborn of the Father, the Only Begotten Son in the flesh, the Redeemer of the world...
His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come...
God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
After a little confusion, and much wandering from
mostly the Garner clan, it was great to get together
and keep our family connections
for Thanksgiving this year.
We definitely missed Dustin, Alyssia, Ivy Marie (we haven't even seen her yet!), Juanee, Ryan, Bonnie and Sarah
My how the Baird family is growing!

Mommy row
The current new addition: Jose Baird

Uncle Russ gets some baby time
Kennedy and Lottie bonded via some lip gloss

A little brotherly love action
Thanks to Jeremy, Laurie,
Grandma and Grandpa Baird for organizing this years get together!
ps - All the rest of my pictures I took are video. I will have to make a short clip and post it later
*If any one else took pictures - share the love on the blog for us!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Dunn's Five Generation 'From 1 to 103 years!'
Zac and Taylor's
Oliver Dunn
is named after Zac's Great Grandfather
"Oliver Dunn"
who just turned an AMAZING 103 years old!
He is quite spry, only mildly using a cane, still sharp and happy as ever!
He wants to live until his wife turns 100 (I think that is four more years)
He is so nice and always smiling.
He is the oldest ever Eagle Scout.
Check out his birthday news spotlight.
Here is little Oliver's five generation picture
Great, Great Grandpa Oliver's birthday party
Friday, October 21, 2011
OK, Payton is crazy
A few weeks ago Payton laid a nice gash in his thumb
cutting through his tendon.
He had surgery to reattach it and close up the wound.
They had to place a pin in his thumb to keep it in immobile while it healed.
Monday he went in to get the stitches out.
The doctor tested the pin and said it was not yet ready to come out,
and to come back in a couple weeks.
Payton had been on the count down to get the darn thing out.
He couldn't wait any longer
Check out the video
*unless you are grossed out by that kind of stuff
Then simply go about your merry way not thinking
one bit about a pin coming out - it's a chill maker!
(I couldn't get it to load on the blog so you will have to
copy and paste this to your url bar and enter to watch it.)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Mad Fetch Pumpkin Grower shines again!
See Matt
See Matt grow a pumpkin
See Matt haul crap
See Matt watch the weather....24/7
See Matt haul more crap
See Matt stay up at night worrying
See Matt haul more crap
See Matt tuck his pumpkins in at night
See Matt send soil samples in to test
See Matt haul more crap
See Matt grow a GIANT PUMPKIN !

It was an awesome year for the Grow Big or Go Home Mountain Green clan.
Matt totally creamed his winning record from last year with not one,
but two awesome pumpkins.
His Utah record breaking weight last year was 1169 lbs. This year he broke that record for a short moment with a 1300+ giant. I can't remember the exact size since just a few minutes later they stuck his gigantor alien pumpkin on the scale and it weighed in at
a whopping 1600 lbs!!
What an awesome moment for Matt and all of us Crazy Matt lovers!

The winner got blessed with a chilly ice water dowsing
followed by a big whip cream pie to the face.
Matt's plan next year is to take the year off
from growing the giant orange blobs,
build a giant green house instead
and shoot for the World record in 2013!!
See Matt
See Matt haul crap.........
Go Matt Go!!
Check out the KSL spot that aired on the evening news
It's a Girl....it's a Girl......It's a Boy!!!
Ultrasounds are in....
It's a Girl for Taylor and Zac
It's a Girl for Juanee and Ryan
It's a Boy for Karina and Mitchell
February is sure going to be fun!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Probably the last of the Baird Grandbabies!
Announcing the arrival of Baird Grandbaby #21
Born Sept 10th 2011
8 pounds 21 inches
Josie Marie Baird
Congratulations Jeremy and Laurie!!

Here she is at one week old
Just had to throw this shot in sent to me by Laurie as they awaited Josie's arrival.
Lets just say, Jeremy....You Rock!!!
*Posted by Sister Syd....As soon as they figure out their forgotten password they will post more pics
(That ought to be in about two years, four kids and building a house is a busy handful! LOL)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Baby Cooksey #2 due to arrive Feb. 29, 2012 (leap year day!). The family just keeps growing!
Monday, July 11, 2011
It's a BOY!!
Great Grandbaby #11
Heber Zachary Smith
8 1/2 pds, 21 inches
Born Breach (at home to boot)
Congratulations to Zach and Ashlee!!!
We will have to hear the details of this Hypno-birthing at the next family get together!
Check out those forearms!
He's probably going to give Hank a run for his money.
First bath right in the bathroom sink.
Ashlee moments after the birth just snuggling Heber there in her own bed at home.
You look radiant!!
Monday, June 27, 2011

Congrats to Dustin & Alyssia!!
I have been waiting for some news and pic's on the family blog.
Just got word that there are pictures on Alyssia's new photography blog of Ivy Marie Baird.
Born June 5th 2011
Thought I would snag a few to share with the fam....hope you guys don't mind!
I am so glad that Dustin set up this family blog!
This is a great visual and written log of our family history.
To view more pictures of cute Ivy Marie, go to Alyssia's new photography blog at:
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Next Baby Baird
Just thinking about the next baby to come......
Can't wait for her!! This will be the first "Great" "Baby Baird".
Post us up as soon as she gets here Dustin and Alyssia
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Vivienne Hazel
We finally welcomed our sweet little bean on April 22, 2011. Labored at home for a few days! Went to the hospital at 1:30 in the morning due to my water breaking and I was dilated to a 6.5! Hooked me up to get my antibiotics for Strep B. Had my Epidural at 5:00. Second dose of antibiotics at 7:00, checked at that time and dilated to a 9! Trial push just after 9:00 and she was ready! Four more pushes and she was here!!
Weighing in at 6 lbs. 15 oz.
Measuring 21 in. long
Born at 9:31 A.M.
We have had so much fun with her! She is a dream baby! Sleeps and nurses like a champ. Cries very little and is just content as can be to hang out with us. Loves her sponge baths and having her little head rubbed. We love her more than we can comprehend. Already had a successful night out with mini golfing and dinner at Olive Garden with Grandma and Grandpa Garner!
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Race Is On.....Spudman 2011

Last years Baird Reunion @ the Spudman has spurred on the past and some future triathletes!
This years entrants are:
Russ, Karina, Mitcheal, Zach Smith, Dustin, Jeremy, Brad, Angie, Juanee, Ryan, Scott, Seth, Nicole, Dane and Zac Dunn.
It was so great last year to have so many of our family participate. It made me a little veclempt every time one of you passed the finish line, soooo, rather than cry a whole bunch of times, I too, (Sydney) will be attempting the race, or as I would rather call it, the challenge. Race would be a term meaning, a contest of speed. I believe just staggering across the finish line some time before sundown will be victory enough!
OK, we have but five months to train for those who need it.....those who can consider it optional, (ie; Jeremy and Seth) feel free to wait and kill yourself off in one day again!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
What it was to me.....
I wanted to put a post together that summed up our weekend. After a few comments I decided to do it this way. I think what each of you said is perfect. It was hard to come up with one small thing to say. All of our comments together is the total package of what the weekend was. If I didn't get to talk to you about what the weekend was for you, feel free to add your comment or e-mail me. Thanks for coming. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful, positive girls in my life.
"Nourishing to my spirit" Kathy Baird
"Happy to spend time all together" Ashlee Smith
Motivated to try new crafts. Happy, loved all the fun, bright treats and happy music. Relaxing!"
Erin Garner
"Refreshing" Karina Cooksey
"Craft's were fun but the best part was getting closer to my cousins." Abby Barlow

"I don't think I could sum up our first annual 'CCC' Baird Girls Winter Retreat with only one word.......
It was an Absolutely, Bona fide! , Creatively, Divine! , Exhilaratingly!, Fantastic! , Genuinely, Happy! ,
Irrevocably, Joyous! , Kind of Lively! , Monumentaly, Nice! , Officially, Pleasant!
Quiet, Rarely! , Superbly,Terrific! , Utterly not Vacuous! , Wonderfully, eXciting! ,
maybe I could sum it up......Yes, it was mucho Zupendous!!!!
(Not a word, I know, but it's not a real sentence either, and what the heck can you come up with for Z, ha ha)" Sydney Garner

"Fun getaway. LOVED the candy." Angie Barlow

"The most fun, peaceful, little brother free weekend of my life." Jane McConkie

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